Beagle Feeding Chart

Beagles are very energetic and active dogs, mainly since they were developed for hunting. Because of this, they need a high number of calories. Knowing when to feed your beagle and how much is important to ensure a happy and healthy dog. Beagle puppies should generally be fed 3 to 4 times a day. You … Read more

Are Beagles Low Energy?

Are you considering getting a beagle? Beagles are known to be friendly and playful dogs but knowing all characteristics of a dog breed can help you decide which breed would suit you and your home environment best. One of these important characteristics is energy levels. Beagles are not low energy; they are, in fact, very … Read more

Are Beagles Smart Dogs?

The beagle is a small-sized scent dog that looks like a foxhound bred primarily for hare hunting. Many agencies utilize them as detecting dogs due to their excellent sense of smell and powerful tracking instinct. Does this mean that beagles are smart dogs? Beagles are intelligent dogs with a specialized skill set. Beagles rank 131st … Read more

Beagle Fur Type

While they are wonderful dogs, before adopting one, you might want to know their fur type, especially if someone in your home has dog allergies or you don’t like having a dog that sheds too much. So, what is a beagle’s fur type? Beagles have a thick double coat and have a shedding season in … Read more

Why Are Beagles Always Hungry?

beagle eating food in red bull

When watching a Beagle scarf down their meal as if it’s the first time they have seen food in ages, one could easily think that there is something wrong with them. Are they getting enough food? Do they have worms? Why on earth are Beagles always so hungry? Beagles cannot regulate their own appetite. Their … Read more

Can Beagles Be Left Alone?

beagle laying down

Considering that beagles are one of the kindest and friendliest dog breeds, many beagle owners may be wondering how long they can safely leave their beagle alone? Beagles are social dogs that should not be left alone for long periods. Puppies younger than six months no longer than two hours). Beagles older than six months … Read more

Beagles Energy Levels

beagle with stick in its mouth

The Beagle is a dog breed that was developed for hunting small game. They have an excellent sense of smell and a high prey drive, and they are quite vocal. These hunting dogs are also very active. Beagles have high energy levels. These active dogs need plenty of regular exercise – 45 to 90 minutes … Read more

Beagle Anal Glands

beagle sitting and looking side ways

Beagles are wonderful, charming dogs. They are compact, hardy fun-loving companions ready for any adventure. Sometimes though, there are some areas of our canine friends we would prefer not to deal with. One of these is Beagle anal glands. Beagles are prone to problems with their anal glands. This can include anal gland impaction, infection, … Read more

What Can Beagles Eat?

beagle eating food

Your beloved beagle can enjoy a variety of food. Some of the foods that you give them also get enjoyed by humans. Your beagle’s food can also contain health benefits. So what can beagles eat? Beagles can eat Blue Buffalo Wilderness, Taste of the Wild Grain Free. They can also have snacks like salmon, watermelon, and … Read more

Names For Beagles

beagle in cage

Your beagle puppy needs a name that you will love and be willing to live with forever. You should choose one that fits them. So, if you’re struggling to think of a name, here are some awesome ideas! Here are a few names you can consider for your beagle puppy: Zoe Luna Daisy Bellatrix Josey … Read more